The Editors

The Editors

a red flower on a green leaf

Since 2017 our Editors have been working hard to give everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with samatha meditation on buddho, a meditation system that has brought so much good to our lives.

In addition to propagating this meditation system, we hope to make a valuable contribution to the knowledge of Buddhism and Buddhist meditation, emphasizing clarity, quality and depth in our publications.

a close up of a pink flower

7 Practical Meditation Tips

The Editors

If you start with samatha meditation on buddho, or any other meditation object, it may well be that after a short time you notice that it is quite difficult to…

a dark clouds in the sky

A Buddhist Perspective on the Problems in the World

The Editors

In the West, we live in a time of unparalleled material prosperity, rellative world peace (never before has there been as little war as today), security…

a group of people sitting on a rug in front of a statue
6 mins

A Short Demonstration of Samatha Meditation on Buddho

The Editors

A short demonstration of the samatha meditation on the word buddho, as taught by Ahba (Luang por Opart). The volume and pitch used here are just an example…

a man in a robe
50 mins

Ahba Speaks About Meditation, Mindfulness and Patience

The Editors

In this Dhamma talk Ahba answers some questions asked by two Dutch disciples during their visit to his monastery. We realize that Ahba can be difficult to…

a group of people in robes
80 mins

Ahba’s Chant and Dhamma talk in Australia

The Editors

Ajahn Kalyano, himself a pupil of the famous meditation teacher Ajahn Anan, in the tradition of Ajahn Chah, invited Ahba to oversee the opening of the…

a group of people sitting in a room
54 mins

Ahba’s Paritta Chant in Wat Ratanawan

The Editors

At the invitation of Ajahn Sumedho and Ajahn Nyanadhammo (also pictured) Ahba gave his blessing by means of an extensive paritta chant (in Burmese style) during…

a group of men walking in a field

Anicca, Dukkha, Anattā: The Three Characteristics of Existence

The Editors

The Buddha taught three characteristics (ti-lakkhaṇa) that apply to all existence in Samsāra, namely impermanence (anicca), unsatisfactoriness (dukkha) and non…

a bowl of salad with vegetables and meatballs

Are All Boeddhists Vegetarian?

The Editors

The Buddha advised five moral precepts (pañca-sīla) for the development of morality (sīla). The first of these precepts is ‘abstaining from killing’.

a group of people wearing orange robes
8 mins

Blessing of the Ground for the Bodhgaya Temple

The Editors

In 2012 the ground in Ahba’s monastery was blessed for the construction of the Maha Bodhi Chedi (also called Bodhgaya Temple), a 1:1 replica of the temple in…

a group of statues in a room

Buddha Statues: History, Use & Meaning

The Editors

When did the use of statues in Buddhism begin? What did the Buddha himself advise on their use? And wat do the various Buddha statues mean? In this text we…

a group of men in red robes carrying bowls

Buddhist Schools: Theravada, Mahayana & Vajrayana

The Editors

Since the death of the Buddha in present day India in the 5th B.C., Buddhism has spread around the world. It is not surprising that it has changed over time by…

a bed under a canopy in the woods

Daily Meditation: How to Keep It Up

The Editors

One of the hardest things for meditation practitioners, whether you’re a beginner or quite experienced, is to have the discipline to meditate every day.

a small island with a large cloud and lightning

Dukkha: The Unsatisfactoriness of Existence

The Editors

One of the keywords in Buddhism is dukkha, often translated as suffering. In everyday life, dukkha is most easily perceived as suffering, and that is why that…

a row of books with gold text

Expansion of the Digital Theravāda Library and Authors Page

The Editors

Over the past few months, we have been working hard to expand our digital Theravāda Buddhist library. It contains a handpicked selection of books by renowned…

a close-up of a microscope

Exploring Reality with Samādhi

The Editors

When the Buddha talks about meditation in the suttas (sutras), he almost always talks about samādhi. The word samādhi has many nuances. The essence of samādhi…

a winding road with trees around it

Frequently Asked Questions

The Editors

By now you can find a lot of information on our website. That in itself is very nice, but if you came to our website with a specific question it can be quite…

a green terraced fields with a small house on top

From Stream-enterer to Arahant: The Four Stages of Liberation

The Editors

Achieving the ultimate complete liberation from unsatisfactoriness (dukkha) is a gradual process consisting of four stages. In the time of the Buddha there were…

a carved wood carving of a person sitting on a wood surface

Guided Meditation: The Risks and Limitations from a Buddhist Perspective

The Editors

Guided meditation has become increasingly popular in recent years, mainly through meditation apps, YouTube channels and other (impersonal) online content.

a group of people sitting in a row

Images of the Bodhgaya Temple Opening Ceremony

The Editors

The Maha Bodh Chedi (also called Bodhgaya temple) is a 1:1 replica of the temple with the same name in Bodhgaya India, erected on the spot where the Buddha…

a man in an orange robe sitting in a chair with his hands folded together
8 mins

Initiation of the Relics in Wat Ratanawan

The Editors

At the invitation of Ajahn Sumedho and Ajahn Nyanadhammo (also in this video) Ahba has blessed the relics of the new hall in Wat Ratanawan in 2012.

a rock on sand with circles in the middle

Karma and Rebirth in Buddhism

The Editors

The doctrine of karma (kamma) and rebirth is often misunderstood. You sometimes hear people say rather fatalistically “it’s my karma” or with the desire to give…

a purple and pink sky over a lake

Meditation Retreat: Deepen Your Practice

The Editors

The word “retreat” means as much as “withdrawing yourself” and, in a narrower sense in this context, withdrawing yourself from everyday life for spiritual or…

a trail on a mountain

Meditation Without Desire

The Editors

Meditation is not a fast process. It is important to continue to make patient efforts without desiring anything. The Buddha once gave the example (in SN 22.101)…

a statue of a person sitting on top of a white and white pillar

Mindfulness According to the Buddha

The Editors

At home through an app, at your yoga class or at work, mindfulness ‘without Buddhism’ can be found everywhere these days. Usually it is taught as a form of…

a group of bowls of spices and spices

Mindfulness Defined

The Editors

What does it mean to be mindful of the breath? Something very simple: to keep the breath in mind. Keep remembering the breath each time you breathe in…

fireworks in the sky

New Years Resolutions

The Editors

The new year is coming and many people are thinking about what they will do differently the coming year. This often results in intentions to refrain from…

a group of people in brown robes on a wooden floor

Opening Ceremony of the Dhammacakka-hall in Australia

The Editors

Here are images of the opening ceremony of the Dhammacakka-hall in Australia, in Ajahn Kalyano’s monastery. Ajahn Kalyano invited Ahba to oversee this ceremony.

a group of beads on a wall

Origin and Use of the Mālā (Meditation Beads)

The Editors

Mālā is the Sanskrit word for chain or necklace. Specifically, it refers to the beaded necklace that is often used during meditation. The moment man began to…

a group of people in orange robes
50 mins

Pali chanting: Anumodana, Paritta and More

The Editors

Ahba has indicated that chanting Pali is beneficial. The chanting of Pali texts that one does not know by heart can even promote concentration because one has…

a close up of a stone

Paticcasamuppāda: Dependent Origination

The Editors

If we look at the cause of unsatisfactoriness, the second Noble Truth the Buddha taught, we see that the Buddha mentions desire as the big problem.

a group of people sitting on the ground

Pictures of Ahba in Myanmar Around 1978

The Editors

These are some pictures of Ahba from old. They are slides made in Myanmar around 1978, taken by Jaap and Maria Guijt. You can see pictures of Ahba in his…

a close up of a book

Reality and Ethics in the Abhidhamma

The Editors

The second paragraph in the first chapter of the Abhidhammattha Sangaha by Acariya Anuruddha reads: “In the ultimate sense, the Abhidhamma speaks of four…

a person sitting in front of many candles

Saddhā, Viriya, Sati, Samādhi, Paññā, Khanti and Mettā

The Editors

When it comes to practicing samatha meditation on buddho, Ahba regularly speaks about the series saddhā, viriya, sati, samādhi, paññā and overarching khanti and…

a bridge over water with trees in the background

Samatha Meditation and ‘Mindfulness’

The Editors

The word ‘mindfulness’ as an indication for a meditation system found its entry in the west when John Kabat-Zinn started his program of ‘Mindfulness-Based…

a gold statue of a buddha

Samatha Meditation on Buddho

The Editors

In the practice of samatha meditation the mind is focused on a specific object. The Buddha taught 40 such meditation objects. He never said that one object is…

a beach with waves crashing on the sand

Samatha vs Vipassanā

The Editors

Vipassanā means as much as ‘insight’ and is often translated as insight meditation. Sometimes this is seen as a separate form of Buddhist meditation.

a group of fish swimming in water

Samsāra & Nirvana

The Editors

You could argue that Buddhism is about freeing yourself from samsāra and reaching nirvana (nibbāna). But what do samsāra and nibbāna really mean?

a silhouette of a building with palm trees and a body of water

Selected Verses from the Dhammapada

The Editors

The Dhammpada is a true gem of the ancient Buddhist scriptures (the Pali Canon) of Theravada Buddhism and probably one of the oldest Buddhist texts…

a silhouette of a woman sitting on a dock with her head in her hands

Sexual Abuse by Buddhist Teachers

The Editors

Sexual abuse plays a role in an unacceptably high percentage of the member organizations of the Buddhist Union of the Netherlands (BUN).

a man in a robe
4 mins

Short Message from Ahba About Meditation

The Editors

In this video Ahba talks briefly about meditation. He emphasizes the importance of daily practice, limiting yourself to one meditation system and keeping the…

a man sitting in front of a statue
6 mins

Taking Care of the Mind with Sati and Samadhi

The Editors

A short dhamma-talk from Ahba about the importance of sati (mindfulness) and samadhi (concentration) to protect the mind and develop wisdom.

a close up of a flower

Thank You for Your Support & Changes on the Website

The Editors

About 8,000 people now visit our websites ( and every month and new people subscribe to our newsletter almost every day…

a tree with the sun shining through it

Thanks for Your Support & New Features

The Editors

Every month more than two thousand people visit our website, including many returning visitors. We are touched by the donations and positive reactions we have…

a group of books on a shelf

The 16 Best Books on Buddhism & Meditation

The Editors

You started meditating, for whatever reason. Maybe it’s a way to relax a bit more, to let go of stress, or to make suffering that you have experienced more…

a sign in a field with a mountain in the background

The 5 Hindrances that Hinder Progress in Meditation

The Editors

The Buddha taught with great regularity that concentration (samādhi) is a cornerstone of the path to liberation from suffering. On this path, sooner or later…

a boy in a robe pouring water into a bowl

The 5 Precepts: Buddhism and Morality

The Editors

In essence Buddhism is all about liberating the mind. To accomplish this, the Buddha taught his path of morality (sīla), concentration (samādhi) and wisdom…

a gold statue of a person sitting on a pedestal

The 9 Qualities of the Buddha

The Editors

Samatha meditation on buddho is a form of buddhānussati, meditation focused on the qualities of the Buddha. In this method, the meditation object (the object…

a boat on the water

The Best Meditation-App and a Free Alternative

The Editors

If you want to start meditating, you will soon come across meditation apps. But do you really need an app to meditate? And which one is best?

a close up of leaves

The Blind Spot

The Editors

Talking about how to live a good life is easy, actually living it is difficult. Anyone can use terms like “enlightened,” “awakened,” or “liberated…

a person sitting on the floor in a nice room

The Buddhist Path: Sila, Samādhi, Paññā

The Editors

I am sitting in front of my meditation teacher Ahba, a Burmese Buddhist monk who fled Myanmar in the 1980s. After walking hundreds of kilometers through the…

a group of old books on a glass table

The Cognitive Process According to the Abhidhamma

The Editors

Words like citta (consciousness) or cetasika (mental factor) can be quite abstract (see also Ultimate Reality and Ethical Quality in the Abhidhamma).

a close up of a statue
2 mins

The Dhajagga-paritta Chant (Iti pi so…)

The Editors

Prior to the group meditation, and for those who wish to do so prior to the daily meditation at home, we chant ‘iti pi so’. In this chant you reflect on the…

a statue of a person sitting in a lotus position

The Life of the Buddha

The Editors

For more than 2,500 years, people have followed the path to liberation as taught by the Buddha. For just as long, the Buddha’s life story has had a powerful…

a statue of a person sitting on a pedestal

The Mayahana Shurangama Sutra Explained

The Editors

According to the Mahāyāna-tradition, the Buddha has told the Shūraṅgama Sutta especially for Ananda, who at that time already was a Sotāpanna (a person who…

a monk sitting on the ground
19 mins

The Mindful Way – Ajahn Chah

The Editors

This short documentary, made in 1977, shows the daily life in the main monastery of Ajahn Chah, Wat Pah Pong in Ubon Rachathani, Thailand. The highlights of the…

a person sitting in a lotus position with their hands together

The Origin and Essence of Yoga and its Relation to Buddhism

The Editors

Nowadays you can take a yoga class in almost every city and there are numerous online channels that make it easy to practice yoga at home.

a gold rectangular object with a strap around it

The Pali Canon: How We Know What the Buddha Taught

The Editors

When we talk about Buddhism, we are talking about the teachings of the Buddha, but the Buddha himself did not write anything down. So, you might wonder: how do…

a trail through a valley with mountains in the background

The Path of Samatha Meditation

The Editors

When practicing samatha meditation, at first it may seem as if the mind is only becoming more restless. This is because you look at your mental processes with…

a wooden walkway leading to a mountain

The Teacher-Disciple Relationship Must Be 100% Safe

The Editors

Anyone who meditates daily, year after year, anyone who regularly does long retreats, knows that a meditation teacher is indispensable.

a stone building with a doorway

Theravāda Buddhism

The Editors

Theravāda Buddhism is a Buddhist school that came to prominence during the reign of king Asoka the Great around 250 BC, after the purification of the Sangha…

a gold statue of a person sitting on the ground
9 mins

Videos of Ahba’s New Uposatha Hall

The Editors

A year ago, Ahba announced the construction of a new Uposatha Hall. This hall would be entirely built in Burmese style, with a central Buddha statue in the…

a statue of a person sitting in a pose

What is Buddhism?

The Editors

Two thousand five hundred years ago, underneath the Bodhi tree in northern India, Siddhartha Gautama understood reality and became a Buddha, a ‘awake’ or…

a person in a robe and brown robe

What is Meditation?

The Editors

In essence, meditation is focusing your attention on a specific object. Your mind then gradually becomes clean and clear. A clean and clear mind forms the…

a close up of a book shelf

What is the Abhidhamma?

The Editors

Those who like it can study the Abhidhamma as an addition to the meditation. The prefix ‘abhi’ means ‘transcending’ or ‘higher’; in this case the word ‘dhamma’…

a person sitting on a table

What is Vipassana?

The Editors

The word vipassanā is composed of two parts: vi, which means ‘clear’, and passanā, which means ‘to see’. Vipassanā therefore means ‘to see clearly’ or rather…