The Editors

Thanks for Your Support & New Features

a tree with the sun shining through it

Every month more than two thousand people visit our website, including many returning visitors.

We are touched by the donations and positive reactions we have received from lay people in the Netherlands and abroad, but to our surprise also from monks and nuns from Germany to Sri Lanka and Myanmar.

It is also always special to see that people take the trouble to visit us for a personal conversation.

With this post we would like to thank you for all your support. We feel enormously strengthened in the path we have taken.

We will continue our efforts to give everyone who is genuinely interested in developing the mind the opportunity to become acquainted with Buddhism, Buddhist meditation and if it touches the right chord with the buddho meditation system that has brought us so much good.

New Features

Thanks to your donations we can not only maintain this website, but also develop it further.

Returning visitors may have noticed it already, but a number of subtle and less subtle changes have been made.

English Version

First of all, we are working hard to make our website available in English (you are actually visiting the English version now). On some pages and posts it is now possible to change language by clicking an icon in the menu (at the top of the screen).

At this moment it is still a rough version, and as said incomplete. We hope to continue working on this in the coming year.

Commenting and Joining a Conversation

In recent years, we have chosen not to make it possible to lcomment on our posts, especially because of the high chance of (automated or otherwise) spam.

However, we would like to investigate whether it would be of added value after all to start a conversation with our visitors and readers on the basis of our content.

We have therefore made it possible to comment to all our posts.

If you do this (and we heartily invite you to do so!) you will see a box that you can tick to participate in the conversation. We encourage everyone who wants to comment to tick it.

If you choose this option, it will be possible to exchange ideas with each other directly via email. Responses are automatically processed on our site. Don’t be afraid, you won’t be flooded with mails, but will only receive the reactions to your message and other revelant responses to the same message once a day. Simple isn’t it!

If after a while it turns out that we are mainly moderating spam, we will turn off the possibility to comment, but we want to give it a chance.

Reading Guide

Because the amount of information on our site is increasing and it might be a bit difficult to find the material you are looking for in a targeted way, we have created a reading guide.

If you have any questions that you think fit for this gude, please let us know.

Share what Touches You

In English you have a beautiful credo ‘sharing is caring’. If you come across something on our website that touches you, it can be fun, meaningful, helpful to share it with others.

On our website we try to facilitate this as much as possible by, for example, making it easy to mail, tweet or share texts via facebook.


We receive a part of all our donations through our website and therefore feel that our security should be tight.

For the user (hopefully) not noticeable, we have recently further optimized this.

If things don’t work properly as a result, please let us know so we can take a look at it.

Do you want to start meditating or deepen your practice?
We offer personal guidance, completely on a donation basis.

Free Meditation Course

You yourselves must strive, the Buddhas only point the way

Buddha, Dhp 276