The Editors

Blessing of the Ground for the Bodhgaya Temple

a group of people wearing orange robes

In 2012 the ground in Ahba’s monastery was blessed for the construction of the Maha Bodhi Chedi (also called Bodhgaya Temple), a 1:1 replica of the temple in Bodhgaya where the Buddha attained enlightenment.

In this short video the western monk Ajahn Kalyano is speaking, himself a pupil of the well-known meditation teacher Ajahn Anan.

He describes how special it is that Ahba is having the temple built, but also that Ahba’s Pali school has been the number one in the country for years and that Ahba has been given the unique position of being both abbot of a Pali school and a meditation monastery.

In this way, Ahba combines the transference of knowledge with acquiring one’s own insight through meditation.

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You yourselves must strive, the Buddhas only point the way

Buddha, Dhp 276