A concentrated mind is in the here and now, calm and peaceful. With such a mind you see things as they really are and gain insights that you cannot get out of books.
To achieve this concentration, we practice samatha meditation on buddho, a traditional Theravāda Buddhist meditation system.
With this meditation system you develop numerous wholesome qualities such as patience, mindfulness, energy, perseverance and wisdom, and thus a more content and happy life.
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Don’t chase after the past or place expectations on the future. What is past is left behind. The future is as yet unreached. Whatever quality is present, you clearly see right there, right there. Not taken in, unshaken, that’s how you develop the heart.
Buddha, MN 131
About Us
Samatha meditation on buddho is practiced by a diverse group of people. Although the core of our group is in the Netherlands, we now guide people from all over the world.
From India to the US, from Iceland to Hong Kong, men and women, young and old, scientist or artist, convinced Buddhist or still searching, everyone is welcome.
The meditation is taught and guided by Herman Schreuder, who is himself a disciple of Ahba, a famous Burmese meditation master and abbot of a large Buddhist monastery in northern Thailand.
The basis of the practice lies in one’s own daily meditation at home. In addition, there is the possibility for those who feel the need to participate in monthly group meditations. Experience shows that this can be very motivating.
Personal conversations with Herman take place in Driebergen, but of course this can also partly take place by video call, phone or email.
Furthermore, twice a year we offer a one-week meditation retreat in the Netherlands, and it is possible, after consultation, to go for longer individual retreats to Ahba’s monastery in Northern Thailand.
This meditation method costs time and effort, no money. We teach meditation out of compassion with the world and with the full conviction that it can help others, just as it helps us.
The personal guidance, group meditations, group retreats in the Netherlands and the individual retreats in Ahba’s monastery in Northern Thailand are entirely on a donation basis.
The Foundation
Our mission is to enable people to live a moral, mindful and meaningful life, in the spirit of Theravāda Buddhism.
We believe that samatha meditation (concentration meditation) on buddho can offer a valuable contribution towards this goal.
Do you want to know more? Then read our goals.
More Info
Do you want to start meditating? Or do you have any other questions? Then don’t hesitate to contact us.
Are you looking for more information, but don’t know where to start? Then visit our Buddhism and meditation blog or take a look at our frequently asked questions section.
For a person whose mind is concentrated, it is not necessary to think ‘may I know and see things as they really are’. It is the nature of things that a person whose mind is concentrated knows and sees things as they really are.
Buddha, AN 11:2
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