Thānissaro Bhikkhu

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

a man wearing glasses and a robe

Thānissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) is an American Buddhist monk in the kammaṭṭhāna (Thai forest) Tradition. After graduating from Oberlin College in 1971 with a degree in European Intellectual History, he traveled to Thailand where he studied meditation with Ajahn Fuang Jotiko, who was himself a disciple of the late Ajahn Lee.

He joined the order of monks in Wat Dhammasathit in 1976, where he remained after the death of his teacher in 1986. In 1991, he traveled to the San Diego County hills of the US, where he helped Ajahn Suwat Suwaco establish Metta Forest Monastery (Wat Mettavanaram). He has been abbot of that monastery since 1993.

Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu is perhaps best known for his translations of the Dhammapada and the Sutta Pitaka – more than 1000 suttas – and so the main share for the sutta translations for the website Accesstoinsight, and his translations of ‘Dhamma-talks’ from the Thai forest Ajahns. He has also written several of his own works on the Dhamma and study guides for his Pali translations.

a close-up of a canyon

A Burden Off the Mind: A Study Guide

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

A study guide on the five khandhas (aggregates) emphasizing the importance of bringing the right questions to the teachings on the khandhas. If you use them to…

a gold statue with a pointed crown

A Meditator’s Tools: A Study Guide

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This is a study guide on the ten recollections, a set of meditation themes that highlight the positive role that memory and thought play in training the mind.

a man sitting on a chair holding a microphone

Abhaya Rāja-kumāra Sutta: To Prince Abhaya (On Right Speech) 

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

In this discourse, the Buddha shows the factors that go into deciding what is and is not worth saying. The main factors are three: whether or not a statement is…

a statue of a man

Beyond Coping: A Study Guide on Aging, Illness, Death & Separation

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

Passages from the Pāli Canon arranged in five sections: the Buddha as physician; diagnoses of the conditions of aging, etc.; the conditions as motivations for…

a statue of a person sitting on a pedestal

Devadaha Sutta: At Devadaha

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying among the Sakyans at a Sakyan town named Devadaha. Then a large number of monks headed for…

a white flower with a green stem

Dhammapada: A Translation

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

An anthology of verses attributed to the Buddha long recognized as one of the masterpieces of early Buddhist literature. This edition has the full Introduction…

a dirt road through a forest

Factors for Awakening Part 1: Introduction

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

Several years back, I was asked to give a talk on the factors for awakening: mindfulness, analysis of qualities, persistence, rapture, calm, concentration…

a structure in the water

Factors for Awakening Part 10: Toward Release

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

Practicing mindfulness means keeping something in mind. Practicing right mindfulness means keeping in mind two activities that we’ll be doing here as we…

a man pulling a buffalo in the rain

Factors for Awakening Part 2: Mindfulness

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

When the Buddha lists the factors for awakening, he says that there are some that are appropriate when the mind is sluggish. Those factors are analysis of…

a glass ball with trees reflected in it

Factors for Awakening Part 3: Analysis of Qualities

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

We all come to the practice with doubts and questions. But we don’t get past our doubts by not asking questions. We do it by learning how to ask the right…

a green plant growing out of a tree stump

Factors for Awakening Part 4: Persistence

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The Buddha says that three factors of the path hover around all the other factors. There’s right view, which helps you to know what’s, say…

a close up of a statue

Factors for Awakening Part 5: Rapture

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

Take a few deep, long in-and-out breaths and think of the breath energy filling the body. When we talk of the breath energy being full, it’s not a matter of…

a tree in the middle of a body of water

Factors for Awakening Part 6: Calm

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

As we meditate, we try to bring the mind to a state of calm. But you notice, if you look at the Buddha’s explanations for the factors for awakening…

a tree on the edge of a lake

Factors for Awakening Part 7: Concentration

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

Focus your attention right here. The mind will be creating other “heres” to carry you away from right here. But you don’t have to go with them.

a leaf on a tree stump

Factors for Awakening Part 8: Equanimity

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

When the Buddha lists the factors for awakening, equanimity comes at the end of the list, which gives the impression that it’s the highest of the list.

a painting on a wall

Factors for Awakening Part 9: Skills for Awakening

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

We often come to the meditation to gain a sense of peace and calm, to find some rest. And it is important that we gain these things from the meditation: We…

two young boys in red dresses walking up a white staircase

Freedom from Buddha Nature

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

“What is the mind? The mind isn’t ‘is’ anything.” — Ajahn Chah “The mind is neither good nor evil, but it’s what knows good and knows evil. It’s what does good…

a red leaf with veins

Handful of Leaves vol. 1: An Anthology from the Digha Nikaya

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This volume is the first in a four-volume anthology of suttas (discourses) drawn from the Sutta Piṭaka (discourse basket or repository) of the Pāli Canon.

a close-up of several leaves

Handful of Leaves vol. 2: An Anthology from the Majjhima Nikaya

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The Majjhima Nikāya — the Middle Collection — is the second collection in the Sutta Piṭaka. It takes its name from the length of the discourses it contains…

a close up of a leaf

Handful of Leaves vol. 3: An Anthology from the Samyutta Nikaya

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The Saṁyutta Nikāya, a collection of short to medium-length discourses, takes its name from the way the discourses are organized into groups connected…

a leaf with a black background

Handful of Leaves vol. 4: An Anthology from the Anguttara Nikaya

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The Aṅguttara Nikāya, a collection of short to medium-length discourses, takes its name from the way the discourses are grouped by the number of their parts…

a yellow and brown leaves

Handful of Leaves: An Anthology from the Sutta Pitaka

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This all-in-one book bundles all of the sutta collections: the Dīgha, Majjhima, Saṁyutta, and Aṅguttara Nikāyas, as well as six books from the Khuddaka Nikāya…

a rock in the water

In the Eyes of the Wise: The Buddha’s Teachings on Honor & Shame

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

Several years back, I led a retreat in Santa Fe on the topic of karma. One of the readings was a passage in which the Buddha teaches his seven-year-old son…

a close-up of a stream

Into the Stream: A Study Guide

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

For your practice to lead to Awakening, you must develop reliable standards for judging — which practices lead to stream entry, what indicates a true experience…

a close up of a river

Itivuttaka: This was Said by the Buddha

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The Itivuttaka is a newly updated translation of a collection of 112 short suttas, each one a prose passage followed by a verse. This collection is shaped less…

a close up of moss on rocks

Jhana Not by the Numbers

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

When I first went to study with my teacher, Ajahn Fuang, he handed me a small booklet of meditation instructions and sent me up the hill behind the monastery to…

a close up of a flower

Kalama Sutta: The Buddha’s Charter of Free Inquiry

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

I heard thus. Once the Blessed One, while wandering in the Kosala country with a large community of bhikkhus, entered a town of the Kalama people called…

a close up of water

Karma Q&A

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

Kamma and rebirth are often understood to be teachings of fate and helplessness in the face of unknowable influences from the past. Instead of teaching fate…

a close up of water

Khuddakapatha: Short Passages

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This, the first book in the Khuddaka Nikāya (Collection of Short Discourses), appears to have been designed as a primer for novice monks and nuns.

a gold colored surface with water drops on it

Mindful of the Body: A Study Guide

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This study guide focuses on the primary sutta in the Pāli Canon dealing with the contemplation of the body: The Discourse on Mindfulness Immersed in the Body…

a waterfall in a forest

Not Pained by Pain

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

When the Buddha teaches how to focus on feelings as you meditate, there are four steps: Focused on the breath, you learn how to breathe in a way that gives rise…

a stone carving of a group of men

One Tool Among Many: The Place of Vipassanā in Buddhist Practice

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

What exactly is vipassanā? Almost any book on early Buddhist meditation will tell you that the Buddha taught two types of meditation: samatha and vipassanā.

a book cover with text

Poems of the Elders: An Anthology from the Theragatha & Therigatha

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This is an anthology consisting of 97 poems from the Theragāthā (Poems of the Elder Monks) and 34 from the Therīgāthā (Poems of the Elder Nuns). These texts are…

a close-up of a rock formation

Recognizing the Dhamma: A Study Guide

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The Buddha taught eight principles for recognizing what qualifies as Dhamma and Vinaya, and what does not. They form the standards against which the validity of…

a close-up of a red rock

Right Mindfulness: Memory & Ardency on the Buddhist Path

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

For the past several decades, a growing flood of books, articles, and teachings has advanced theories about the practice of mindfulness which are highly…

a group of people in red robes

Right Speech

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

As my teacher once said, “If you can’t control your mouth, there’s no way you can hope to control your mind.’ This is why right speech is so important in day-to…

a statue of a man sitting in a garden

Samaññaphala Sutta: The Fruits of the Contemplative Life

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This discourse is one of the masterpieces of the Pali canon. At heart, it is a comprehensive portrait of the Buddhist path of training…

a close up of a metal surface

Sutta Nipāta: The Discourse Group

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This is a translation of the entire collection of 72 suttas, which includes some of the longer and more famous poems in the Pāli Canon, such as the Discourse on…

a close up of ice

Ten Perfections: A Study Guide

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

For people in the modern world facing the issue of how to practice the Dhamma in daily life, the ten perfections provide a useful framework for how to do it.

a group of boys washing hands in water

The Agendas of Mindfulness

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The Pāli term for meditation is bhāvanā: development. It’s a shorthand word for the development of skillful qualities in the mind. Bhāvanā is a type of karma…

statues of statues of a monk in prayer

The Arrows of Thinking: Papañca & the Path to End Conflict

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

In a striking piece of poetry (Sn 4:15), the Buddha once described the sense of saṁvega — terror or dismay — that inspired him to look for an end to suffering.

a statue of a person's face

The Buddha Smiles: Humor in the Pali Canon

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

An analysis of the style and function of humor in the Pāli Canon along with translated passages from the Canon.

a gold statue of a buddha

The Buddha’s Teachings: An Introduction

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

A short introduction to the basic concepts and values underlying Buddhist practice, with special attention to clearing up common misinterpretations about what…

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The Buddhist Monastic Code I & II

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This two-volume set attempts to give an organized, detailed account of the Vinaya training rules and the traditions that have grown up around them.

a man wearing a face mask walking on a street

The Healing Power of the Precepts

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The Buddha was like a doctor, treating the spiritual ills of the human race. The path of practice he taught was like a course of therapy for suffering hearts…

a gold statue of a buddha

The Meaning of the Buddha’s Awakening

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The two crucial aspects of the Buddha’s awakening are the what and the how: what he awakened to and how he did it. His awakening is special in that the two…

a group of statues of buddhas

The Path of Concentration & Mindfulness

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

Many people tell us that the Buddha taught two different types of meditation — mindfulness meditation and concentration meditation. Mindfulness meditation…

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The Question of Bhikkhuni Ordination

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

A complete collection of Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu’s writings since 2009 on the validity of recent attempts to reinstitute bhikkhunī (nun) ordination.

a stairway leading up to the light

The Road to Nirvana Is Paved with Skillful Intentions

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

There’s an old saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but that’s not really the case. The road to hell is paved with intentions that are…

a close-up of a blue and white background

The Sublime Attitudes: A Study Guide on the Brahmaviharas

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

The sublime attitudes (brahmaviharas) are the Buddha’s primary heart teachings—the ones that connect most directly with our desire for true happiness.

a close-up of a canyon

The Truth of Rebirth

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

A short treatise explaining that the Buddha did not teach the doctrine of rebirth because he was blindly following the cultural norms of his time. Instead…

a colorful spiral pattern on a blue background

The Wings to Awakening: An Anthology from the Pali Canon

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

This anthology contains more than 200 new translations of passages from the Buddha’s teachings, along with commentary to help the reader understand their…

a close-up of a river

Udāna: Exclamations

Thānissaro Bhikkhu

A complete translation of the book of the Udāna from the Khuddaka Nikāya collection of the Pāli Canon. The role of the Udāna within the context of the Pāli…