Sayadaw U Pandita

Sayadaw U Pandita

a man wearing glasses and a robe

Sayadaw U Pandita, born on july 28 in 1921 and deceased on 16 April 2016, was one of the foremost masters of Vipassanā.

U Pandita began practicing Vipassana under the guidance of Mahāsi Sayādaw beginning in 1950 and became his sole succes after his death in 1982. He has taught many of the Western teachers and students of the Mahāsi style of Vipassanā meditation.

U Pandita was known for teaching a rigorous and precise method of self-examination. He taught Satipaṭṭhāna or Vipassanā, emphasizing Buddhist ethics as a requisite foundation. He was also an erudite scholar of the Pali Tipiṭaka, the Theravāda canon. Until his death at age 94 in 2016, he continued to lead retreats and give dharma talks, but he rarely gave interviews.