Ajahn Maha Boowa

Things As They Are

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These talks were originally given to the monks at Venerable Ācariya Mahā Boowa’s monastery in Thailand. They deal in part with issues particular to Buddhist monks, but they also contain much that is of more general interest.

Since the monks being addressed were at different stages in their practice, each talk deals with issues on a variety of levels. Thus there should be something of use for every reader interested in the training of the mind.

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About Ajahn Maha Boowa

Ajahn Maha Boowa (12 August 1913 – 30 January 2011) was a Thai Buddhist monk. He was thought by many of his followers to be an Arahant (someone who has attained full enlightenment).

He was a disciple of the esteemed forest master Ajahn Mun Bhuridatta, and was himself considered a master in the Thai Forest Tradition. Following the death of Ajahn Thate in 1994, he was considered to be the Ajahn Yai (or head monk) of the Thai Forest Tradition lineage until his death in 2011.

In addition to his fame as practitioner of meditation, Ajahn Maha Boowa was known for his involvement in social issues. When the country was struck by a major economic crisis in 1997, he urged fellow Thais to donate money, gold and other precious items to the bank of Thailand to help the recovery.

You yourselves must strive, the Buddhas only point the way

Buddha, Dhp 276