Nina van Gorkom, born in 1928, is a Buddhist scholar and translator in the Pali tradition who has written extensively on the Abhidhamma. Born in the Netherlands, she moved to Thailand as an adult and studied extensively with Thai teachers.

Abhidhamma in Daily Life
Nina van GorkomAbhidhamma in Daily Life is an exposition of absolute realities in detail. Abhidhamma means higher doctrine and the book’s purpose is to encourage the right…

Nina van GorkomCetasika means belonging to the mind. It is a mental factor which accompanies consciousness (citta) and experiences an object. There are 52 cetasikas.

Generosity: The Inward Dimension
Nina van GorkomAs from a heap of flowers many a garland is made, even so many good deeds should be done by one born a mortal (Dhammapada verse 53). The giving away of useful…