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  1. Anumodana Thai Monks 0:45


(An expression of deep appreciation and joy in good merit)

Yathā vārivahā pūrā paripūrenti sāgaraṃ
Evam eva ito dinnaṃ petānaṃ upakappati
Icchitaṃ patthitaṃ tumhaṃ khippam eva samijjhatu
Sabbe pūrentu sankappā cando pannaraso yathā
mani jotiraso yathā.

As the rivers full of water fill the ocean,
Likewise, what was given here is of value to the diseased.
May whatever you wish or want come true soon,
May your aspirations be fulfilled,
like the moon on the fifteenth day (full moon) or as a radiant, bright diamond.

Sabbītiyo vivajjantu sabba-rogo vinassatu
Mā te bhavat vantarāyo sukhī dīghāyuko bhava
Abhivādana-sīlissa niccaṃ vuddhāpacāyino
Cattāro dhammā vaddhanti āyu vanno sukhaṃ balaṃ

May all stress be averted, may all disease be destroyed,
May there be no danger for you, may you be happy and live long.
For someone who is respectful, and honours those who are worth it constantly,
four qualities will increase: long life, beauty, happiness and strength.

Āyu-vaddhako dhana-vaddhako siri-vaddhako yasa-vaddhako bala-vaddhako vanna-vaddhako sukha-vaddhako hotu sabbadā.
Dukkha-roga-bhayā verā sokā sattu c’upaddavā
Anekā antarāyā pi vinassantu ca tejasā
Jaya-siddhi dhanaṃ lābhaṃ sotthi bhāgyaṃ sukhaṃ balaṃ
Siri āyu ca vanno ca bhogaṃ vuddhī ca yasavā
Sata-vassā ca āyū ca jīva-siddhī bhavantu te.

May there always be an increase in longevity, wealth, honour, status, strength, beauty and happiness.
May suffering, sickness, danger, hostility, sadness, misfortune,
– infinite obstacles – disappearing through the radiant energy.
Victory, success, wealth, profit, safety, happiness, bliss, strength,
Fame and success in your livelihood: may they be yours.

Bhavatu sabba-mangalaṃ rakkhantu sabba-devatā
Sabba-buddhānubhāvena sadā sotthī bhavantu te.

Bhavatu sabba-mangalaṃ rakkhantu sabba-devatā
Sabba-dhammānubhāvena sadā sotthī bhavantu te.

Bhavatu sabba-mangalaṃ rakkhantu sabba-devatā
Sabba-sanghānubhāvena sadā sotthī bhavantu te.

that all blessings come to you, may all heavenly beings protect you.
By the power of the Buddha, may you always be happy.

that all blessings come to you, may all heavenly beings protect you.
By the power of the Dhamma, may you always be happy.

that all blessings come to you, may all heavenly beings protect you.
By the power of the Sangha, may you always be happy.