Nyanatiloka Thera

The Three Basic Facts of Existence: III – Egolessness (Anatta)

a book cover with a wheel of life

The present volume on anatta concludes the treatment of The Three Basic Facts of Existence (or The Three Characteristics) within The Wheel series.

Though the Buddha’s teaching on not-self has been treated quite often in these publications it was felt that some more material from sources not easily accessible to the general reader should be offered here.

From different angles, these essays and translations will throw light on that central teaching of Buddhism, anatta.

As the earlier books on anicca and dukkha, this volume, too, concludes with a concise and systematic treatment of the subject by the late venerable Ñanamoli Thera, which is a valuable guide to the source material as well as to a deeper study of this profound doctrine.

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About Nyanatiloka Thera

Nyanatiloka Mahathera (19 February 1878 – 28 May 1957) was the first Continental European in modern times to become a Buddhist monk and one of the foremost Western exponents of Theravada Buddhism in the twentieth century.

Born in Germany, he developed a keen interest in Buddhism in his youth and came to Asia intending to enter the Buddhist Order. He received ordination in Burma in 1903. The greatest part of his life as a monk was spent in Sri Lanka, where he established the Island Hermitage at Dodanduwa as a monastery for Western monks. His translations into German include the Anguttara Nikaya, the Visuddhimagga, and the Milindapañha.

You yourselves must strive, the Buddhas only point the way

Buddha, Dhp 276